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Advocacy of Life
Advocacy – Life & Dignity
Promotes legislation concerning non-negotiable life issues
The Advocacy -- Life and Dignity Ministry advocates for human life and dignity by educating parishioners about legislation concerning non-negotiable life issues, including abortion, euthanasia, cloning, embryonic stem cell research, same-sex marriage, gender reassignment and the death penalty. The Catholic Church teaches that human life is sacred and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. In accordance with these principles, members of the ministry promote legislation that enhances the life and dignity of the human person, take action on legislation that will impact life or dignity in the United States, provide parishioners with informative updates and timely “action alerts” on key legislation, and advocate simple and concrete means to influence critical legislation.
Teaches the principles of the Catholic faith
CONTACT: Florence Solis - sjlaconfirmation@gmail.com
Catechists are parishioners who teach the principles of the Catholic faith to children, teenagers and/or adults within the Youth Ministry programs and the Rites of Christian Initiation programs. See ministries below entitled Christian Initiation and Youth Ministry. A catechist must be an active Catholic and person of faith who understands church doctrine, demonstrates appropriate teaching skills, and has a dedication to service and commitment to teaching within the Roman Catholic tradition. Catechists receive faith formation training in specialized workshops to assist with teaching the faith, have access to numerous resources, and may seek certification through the formation program approved by the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education.
Provide liturgical music at Sunday Mass and other church liturgies.
The choirs include:
African Choir – Practices Tuesdays at 7pm; sings 1st Sunday at 12 pm Mass
CONTACT: Dr. Chica Okoro,
310 562-6299, uchikaokoro@gmail.com
Adult Choir – Practices Wednesdays at 7pm; sings 2nd and 4th Sundays at 10 am Mass
CONTACT: Lorenzo Sanchez - gr8sanchez@sbcglobal.net
Filipino Choir – Practices Thursdays at 7 pm; sings third Sunday at 10 am Mass
CONTACT: Gina Holt,
310 612-7384, gina@brianandgina.com
Children’s Choir – Practices Wednesdays at 3 pm; sings First and Fifth Sundays at
10 am Mass
CONTACT: Fr. Bill,
424 543-4681, fr.billcat@gmail.com
Eucharistic Ministries
Confirmed active Catholics who help distribute the Eucharist during Mass
CONTACT: Lector - Alan Berstein -
310 645-5355, alan.bernstein@engagepace.com
Eucharistic Ministers are lay active Catholics who help distribute the Holy Eucharist during Mass. In every celebration of the Eucharist, there should be a sufficient number of ministers of Holy Communion so that it may be distributed under both species in a reverent and orderly manner. Eucharistic Ministers must have received the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Eucharist and participate faithfully in the sacramental and liturgical life of the Church. Ministers receive spiritual, theological, and practical preparation to fulfill their role with knowledge and reverence, in accordance with the Norms for the Dioceses of the United States of America and the guidelines of the diocesan bishop.
Detention Ministry
Visits inmates of Central Juvenile Hall
CONTACT: Donatus Muoneke,
323 294-1940, dmuoneke@gmail.com;
Murglen Muoneke,
323 294-1940, au017gem@gmail.com
The mission of the Restorative Justice Ministry is to embrace Jesus’ invitation to reach out with love, hope, mercy and support to the incarcerated and to work for positive changes in the criminal justice system. Volunteers from the ministry visit inmates of the Central Juvenile Hall about once a month, talking with, listening to and praying with them in small groups. Each year, the ministry joins with other outreach groups in organizing a Christmas party at the Hall.
Fil-Am Group
Produces various parish-wide events sponsored by the Filipino/American group
CONTACT: Gina Holt, 310 612-7384, gina@brianandgina.com
Members of the Fil-Am Group, who are of Filipino/American background, engage in activities and sponsor events that highlight Filipino culture. Among other things, they manage the Filipino Choir, which features traditional Filipino liturgical music sung in the Filipino native language, and organize a weekly Novena to Our Mother of Perpetual Help. The ministry produces annual parish-wide events, such as the Simbang Gabi celebration and the Filipino-American Independence Day Breakfast. Members also contribute significant time and talent in support of events sponsored by other parish groups.
Knights of Columbus
Catholic fraternal service organization providing charitable services and defending Roman Catholicism
CONTACT: Tony Holloway,
323 295-4287, da_holloway@yahoo.com
Founded in 1882, the Knights of Columbus is the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. Its motto is: “In service to One. In service to All.” Membership is offered to men who are practicing Catholics aged 18 and older. The brotherhood is dedicated to providing local and global charitable services, promoting Catholic education, and defending Roman Catholicism in various nations. It promotes social and intellectual fellowship through its educational, charitable, religious, social welfare, war relief, and public relief work.
Soup Kitchen
Provides hot meals to the surrounding community on the third
Saturdays and Thanksgiving
CONTACT: Jude Ramlochan,
310 348-9380, jramlochan@yahoo.com
The Soup Kitchen, which was established in 2013, operates out of the parish hall and kitchen. Ministry volunteers prepare and serve hot meals and provide items of clothing to members of the surrounding community. Meals are presented in an atmosphere of fellowship and comradery, complete with music and beautiful decorations. The Soup Kitchen is open once a month on the third Saturday of the month and on Thanksgiving Day.
Homebound Ministry
Visits sick and homebound parishioners
CONTACT: Kathy Fitzpatrick,
310 703-2519, kfitzp1@aol.com
Members of the Angels Ministry are responsible to identify sick and homebound parishioners who would like to be visited. The Angels offer these parishioners companionship, transportation to Mass, the opportunity to receive the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick in their homes, and assistance with other services they may need.
Charismatic Prayer Group
Meets Friday nights to celebrate the gifts of the Holy Spirit
CONTACT: Donatus Muoneke,
323 294-1940, dmuoneke@gmail.com;
Murglen Muoneke,
323 294-1940, au017gem@gmail.com
The prayer group is part of the SCRC (Southern California Renewal Communities), a ministry of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles officially commissioned in the 1970s to provide teaching, communication and guidance designed to bring Charismatic Renewal into the heart of the Church. The prayer group meets Friday evenings at 7 pm to celebrate the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, foster union with God and honor Jesus Christ as Our Lord and Savior through the inspirations and grace of the Holy Spirit within us. Members express their renewal through praise and worship, testimonies, thanksgiving, scripture reading, music, prayer, and operation in the Charisms of the Spirit. The group also sponsors seminars, healing Masses and other spiritual events.
Church Environment
Maintains the cleanliness of the Church (spring and fall cleaning)
CONTACT: Selma Araujo,
310 348-8212 x303
The Ministry for Church Beautification cares for and maintains the cleanliness of the Church. Two times during the year in the spring and fall, volunteers schedule group time to clean the altars, ambo, tabernacle, religious images, confessionals, pews, vestibule, choir loft, windows, etc. Volunteers are served a complimentary continental breakfast. This ministry presents an opportunity for parishioners to express their love for God by using their time and talents to create a beautiful place of worship.
Active parishioners who provide services and assistance at Mass
CONTACT: Tony Holloway, 323 295-4287, da_holloway@yahoo.com
Ushers must be active parishioners who are willing to act as cheerful and engaged ambassadors for the Church. Their primary responsibility is to provide a welcoming, friendly and comfortable atmosphere for worship. Their duties include warmly greeting each parishioner, escorting people to pews, collecting the offerings, assisting with the presentation of the gifts, directing the orderly receipt of Holy Communion, and providing other assistance if needed.
Bible Study
Tuesday evening group studies various books of Sacred Scripture; Thursday morning group studies the readings
for the upcoming Sunday
310 649-4071, sjpicard526@att.net;
Alan Bernstein,
310 645-5355,
434 331-5821, lasunchaser@yahoo.com
The parish offers two opportunities for the study of Holy Scripture. The first, which meets on Tuesday evenings, facilitates group study of the various books of Sacred Scripture in four- to 12-week sessions. The other group, which meets on Thursday mornings, studies the readings for the upcoming Sunday. Both groups employ extensive group discussion and make use of low-cost study materials.
Food Pantry LAX
Non-profit organization that distributes groceries to low income families
CONTACT: Johnny Albano, 310 641-8871, johnny_albano@yahoo.com
This is a non-profit organization created in 1985 as a community-based means of feeding the poor in our community. Sponsored by the member churches of the Westchester/Ladera Clergy Association, it is located in Inglewood (355 E. Beach Ave.) and serves clients in Inglewood, Westchester, El Segundo, Hawthorne and portions of Los Angeles. Volunteers for the organization pack and distribute to low-income families nutritionally balanced bags of groceries on Tuesdays and Fridays, with the menu varying from week to week depending on the types of donated items. All officers and workers are volunteers.
St. Jerome School
Provides a quality Catholic Education
(Pre-K – 8th grade)
CONTACT: Office of Principal Tom MacDonald, 310-670-1678
St. Jerome School is a Catholic elementary school founded to assist parents in their primary responsibility for the Christian education of their children. The school provides a quality Catholic Education (pre-K through 8th grade) under the supervision of the Department of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Dedicated teachers work to ensure that all students receive a solid foundation in the faith and achieve academic success, integrating all the fields of the STEAM approach to learning (science, technology,
engineering, art and mathematics).
Youth Ministry
For more information, please contact Florence Solis at sjlaconfirmation@gmail.com
(213) 841-6775
At Saint Jerome, we strive to help our teens and middle school students grow closer to their faith, form bonds with their peers, and share their love and devotion to God. We work to address any questions they may have along their journey in faith and love. We invest in the lives of our students by meeting them where they are, inviting them into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and teaching them what it means to be a follower of Christ. We are dedicated to providing opportunities for our middle school, teens, and young adults to participate in service, worship, and evangelization. We encourage our students to answer the missionary call in a concrete, formational, and life-changing way that leads middle school, teen, and young adult families and communities closer to Christ.
Altar Services
Active Catholic adults and youth
(4th grade & up)
who assist the priest during Mass
CONTACT: Florence Solis - sjlaconfirmation@gmail.com
Altar server positions (fourth grade and up) are open to active Catholic adults and youth who want to assist the celebrant during liturgies. The role of the altar server constitutes an integral part of the liturgy and, as such, demands conduct in keeping with the solemnity of the ritual. Altar servers follow the example of Jesus, who did not hesitate to place himself at the whole of humanity’s service. They carry out many important tasks before, during and after Mass and provide assistance in connection with other liturgical services.
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena
Pray novenas to Our Mother of Perpetual Help Wednesday mornings and evenings
Gina Holt,
310 612-7384, gina@brianandgina.com
Dolly Juaneza,
310 963-3642, dolljua@hotmail.com
These ministries each organize novena prayers to Our Mother of Perpetual Help in the Church before the exposed Blessed Sacrament. The Wednesday morning novena, which takes place immediately following the morning Mass, features prayers originating from Filipino tradition and includes Benediction. The Wednesday evening novena, held at 5:30, features prayers composed by St. Alphonsus Liguori and includes one-half hour of silent adoration, recitation of the Holy Rosary, and recitation of the
Chaplet of Divine Mercy.
Ladies Auxiliary of
Peter Claver
Catholic Lay Organization for women that renders service to God, Church and charities
CONTACT: Bonnie Hall,
323 295-2432, bldhall2@gmail.com
In 1926 the Ladies Auxiliary Division of the Knights of Peter Claver was established as a Catholic lay organization for women with the common goals of faith, unity, and Christian charity. The objectives of the organization stem from the charitable work of St. Peter Claver (1580-1654), a priest who labored unceasingly for the salvation of African slaves and the abolition of the slave trade. The members render service to God, Church, community, and worthwhile charitable causes; promote social justice; support education and youth; and promote friendship and unity among their members.
Arranges for food service and room decoration for parish social
activities and funerals
CONTACT: Joyce Holt,
310 649-5586, joyce@brianandgina.com
Members of the Hospitality Ministry have a unique opportunity to create an atmosphere of welcome, love and fellowship for parishioners and parish guests. Ministry volunteers arrange for food preparation, food service and room decoration for many of the regularly scheduled and special activities and events held in the parish hall. Such activities include parish celebrations, parish social events, wedding receptions, and receptions following funerals and memorial services. The hall has a fully equipped commercial-grade kitchen, plenty of tables and chairs, and electronic entertainment equipment. Using these resources, the Hospitality Team can aid in hosting any approved event at the parish.
Offers spiritual and social activities for senior parishioners on Mondays and Wednesdays at noon
CONTACT: Contact: Joan Hoffman
The purpose of the Senior Ministry, which meets Mondays and Wednesdays from 12 noon to 4 pm, is to serve the needs and interests of seniors (self-defined) in the parish. For many seniors, families have scattered, friends have passed on, and incomes are limited, but friends, spiritual enrichment and Christian fellowship can bring renewal to their hearts and minds and make them feel loved and appreciated. The ministry offers various activities for seniors, including volunteer opportunities, social activities, an annual Christmas luncheon, field trips, and spiritual enrichment opportunities such as prayer and the Anointing of the Sick.
Brings awareness about immigration issues and supports Archdiocesan
immigration events
CONTACT: Nory Jose,
310 367-6557, noretajose331@gmail.com
The Immigration Ministry fosters awareness about the Catholic Church’s teachings concerning immigration matters and policy. Members seek to educate parishioners regarding fair, comprehensive immigration reform and other important national and local immigration issues. The ministry supports Archdiocesan immigration events, such as the annual Mass in Recognition of all Immigrants held at Our Lady of the Angels Cathedral. The ministry also assists individual migrants in finding refugee and immigrant services that meet their needs.
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Reaches out with goods and funds to the needy in our parish community
CONTACT: Morris Bernstein,
310 908-9204, moberns18@yahoo.com
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is an international Catholic volunteer organization whose mission is to seek out and serve the forgotten, suffering and deprived; promote the dignity of the person; and alleviate human suffering and distress, while correcting problems and practices that cause these conditions. The St. Jerome ministry reaches out to the less fortunate in our area with food, clothing, furniture, appliances, housing assistance, Christmas gifts to shut-in seniors, support for parish school families, and other forms of financial assistance, as well as, referrals and linkages to other needed services. The Society also owns and operates Circle V Ranch Camp and Retreat Center near Santa Barbara, which embraces youth-centered programming and provides innovative and enriching outdoor experiences that build self-esteem; knowledge; and appreciation for God, nature and others.
Adult Baptism, Confirmation & Communion Ministry
Preparing adults for baptism, confurmation and the eucharist.